Half a century since the concept of a cyborg was introduced, JIZAI-Bodies (digital cyborgs), enabled by the spread of wearable robotics, are the focus of much research in recent times. JIZAI ARMS is a supernumerary robotic limb system consisting of a wearable base unit with six terminals and detachable robot arms. The system was designed to enable social interaction between multiple wearers, such as an exchange of arm(s), and explore possible interactions between digital cyborgs in a cyborg society.

JIZAI ARMS was created by a research team at the University of Tokyo listed below.
Design & Production
山村 菜穂子 + 瓜生 大輔 + 村松 充 + 神山 友輔 + 阪本 真 + 山中 俊治
Nahoko Yamamura + Daisuke Uriu + Mitsuru Muramatsu + Yusuke Kamiyama + Shin Sakamoto + Shunji Yamanaka
Research Director
稲見 昌彦
Masahiko Inami
東京大学先端科学技術研究センター身体情報学分野 稲見・門内研究室
東京大学生産技術研究所機械・生体系部門 山中俊治研究室
Information Somatics Lab / Prototyping & Design Laboratory, The University of Tokyo